"I saw a grown ass woman on TV praying for a man. This chick had her hands clasped together praying for a good man on some "Are You There God, it's me Thirsty" type shit. Everyone wants someone. But a relationship should not define your life. I have no problem with women wanting to be in love, but I have big issues with women who are obsessed with being in a relationship just for the sake of saying they’re in one. Drawing hearts, regurgitating love quotes, watching that stupid ass Notebook movie, have a Sunny D if you're that damn thirsty. “I wish he were here” Who is he!?! Stop living in a fantasy world, no man will ever be the ideal boyfriend you picture when you're single! You want love, that’s normal. But when you’re in love with the thought of being in love—that’s destructive."
You have no class, manners, and want nothing out of life.
You are the type that give your man your money, cars e.t.c. whereas "he’s out with his friends in your car and you’re at home updating your Facebook Status.
You are the type that loves to flirt and tease though you have a patner yet, you regard yourself as being faithful.
You are the type that clubs the same amount of time as you did before you had a boyfriend, rather than sit at home with your man.
You are the type with the inability to get over past relationships and rather compare every new man to the last guy.
You are the type that use the 'we’re just friends, what’s the big deal' line yet, you "can’t wait to get off the phone with your so called boo so you can see what some other nigga just wrote you".
You are the type that is in a relationship strictly for night time activities
You are the type that gets a new boyfriend only because your ex moved on, and shortly after, "It’s no longer about what you want to do with your life; it’s about what he’s doing... Where he’s at... Why he isn’t calling you... "
So i read the Anonymous comment below the post and i thought again, 'could the poster's view point be one sided?' The comment has been added below
- NC-17, some of your post have been I would say most insightful; however, I would like to offer a different prospective, if you don't mind, to add balance. First, the woman that was praying for a man. Could that possibly speak of the current state of relations between men and women and the need for a divinely intervention to bridge the gap. Society's moral standards has completely declined over the years and values have been completely reshaped and defined to the point of unrecognition. It's getting to the point where the need to reach out for something greater than oneself for assistance. I have prayed for wisdom to understand myself, healthy relationships and also for the man I hope to call my partner. I pray that I am acceptable to that man that I want to attract and that I have something to offer him as he does me. Secondly, we are sexual beings so some of the things that you listed are purely human nature and rather than they be judged have them be managed. Enrichment comes from understanding rather than condemnation. Lastly, the responsiblity of men and their contributions to relationships is something that can be addressed as well. I mean to expect imperfection in men but to offer a list of objective for women to follow to be acceptable or reach ideal will constantly have someone on their needs. It takes personal effort from both parties for a successful union.
Do they both have a point?
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