Thursday, March 17, 2011

Celebration!!! Celebration!!! Celebration!!! Accents

Hehe, i found this picture sometime last year can't even remember where but it seems perfect for today's celebration. I know the question is what are we celebrating???

Well i'll start by saying happy blogoversary to BSNCPrism of an imigrant e.t.c. And of-course to moi, my baby is 1 month old this Sunday yeah!!!! lol... with this level of excitement, i'll probably be throwing a big party when he's a year old.

Anyway, i know i say thank you so much, but i promise this would be my last thank you note, permission granted, so thank you all so much for supporting this blog through your comments, recommendations and of course for following me, it feels like i have a new family to come home to after a long and busy day.

Anyway i was having a chat with some friends earlier this week, one thing led to another and we got talking about accents. This is weird but I've got a thing for people with accents, ranging from Italian, French Russian, Chinese e.t.c. I'll even give anything to have an American accent, but at the same time its funny to think that Americans are crazy about British accents, so it just goes round and round. Talking about British accents, these are varied, it seems my best is the Northern English accent or even South London accent, or maybe Irish accents too lol... Its just amazing hearing a mix of them all, anyway i have attached a video, hopefully it would help you  understand my love for accents.

By the way, how about Nigerian accents?
Tell me, I'm i biased, because, though unlike most Nigerians i know, i don't mind hanging around friends with the thickest Ibo, Yoruba or even  Hausa accent, i still doubt i'll even consider getting married to one. This is despite the fact that a man with a thick British, American or Chinese accent wouldn't cause me the slightest worry.

Then again, maybe, just maybe i'm not to blame, it may well be our society, maybe we don't appreciate what we have, and instead choose to laugh off friends with an accent, and sometimes, i am tempted to conclude that this such behavior is to blame for the very little value placed on our Nigerian languages these days. Having socialized with a lot of Brits, it seems they take their accent as an identity, hence they try so hard to preserve it, this is also apparent by looking at a range of British TV personalities like Paul O'Grady.

So help me here, I'm i looking at this from just one angle? What's wrong with the Nigerian accent? Are we so ashamed of our Nigerian Languages that we refuse to pass it on to our kids? Why is it cool to have an American or British accent yet its a big problem tolerating people around us with a Nigerian accent?

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