Saturday, March 12, 2011

One Lovely blog award

So i had four awards yesterday, and i was very excited because its my first award ever, yet it came in four - folds, i'm so so lucky eh!!! Did i forget to say i got tagged by Madame Sting yes i did. So thanks to MsNana Vyvyka Myne Whitman and Adiya I am really really grateful, lol... in my mind, i'm feeling noticed.

Anyway, the award requires me to 

1. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award - DONE
2. I have to tell you seven facts about me you don't know - 
3. Pass the awards along to as many as fifteen blogs I have found recently 
4. Notify the bloggers of their awards - DONE

I got back very tired last night and thought, it's ok, i'll do it tomorrow, but i got up today very tired and a little ill, i still am though but i don't do procrastination so here it is

7 facts about me
1. I'm a girl lol...
2. I love shoes so much that i own over 50 pairs yet i stick to just 1 pair in the winter, and the remaining 49 in the summer
3. I can't remember the last time i had a fizzy drink
4. I still jump up and down on my bed when i'm excited
5. I've become a blog addict
6. This is weird but i smile even when i'm angry
7. I can't remember the last time i cried, but when i do, i cry hours or sometimes days after the incident that made me tearful

The last fifteen blogs I have recently discovered

Well that's that people, i'm off to bed now

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