Saturday, July 28, 2012


Hello My Dear SPD readers, I hope you are enjoying your weekend. i have an interesting topic to share with you and we be looking  at the theme  ''GOOD KISSING''.
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Most girls enjoy romance and want to be treated like a lady by a gentleman, girls also like guys that are confident. Sure, looks matter… But, most girls find confidence in a guy very sexy and often rate it above looks. In fact, on a scale of one to ten most girls will rate the importance of personality much higher than looks.

Girls appreciate guys that are in touch with their emotions and that are able to express how they feel, not only about life in general but about her in particular. A girl wants to hear that she is beautiful, that she has nice hair, that she has soft skin, etc. She can’t read your mind! You have to tell her and tell her often!
Girls also want a guy to take care of his appearance and personal hygiene! You don’t need to dress like a male fashion model. You don’t need to have perfect skin. But, make sure of the following:

a. Your breath smells fresh.
b. Your lips are not chapped or dry.
c. Your hands are clean.
d. Your fingernails are short.
e. You are clean shaven.

Always keep the above in mind when you want to kiss a girl, especially if she is someone special that you would like to have a relationship with.
Check back to see what other SPD readers think .. Stay Tuned!!!
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