Monday, July 30, 2012

D'Tigers of Nigeria Basketball Team Won Their First Olympic Game

The Nigerian basketball team, D’Tigers, won their first game at the 2012 London Olympics, by slamming  Tunisia 60-56.  The Team lead by coach Ayo Bakare, D'Tigers went on a gangling run in the first two quarters winning both 18:07; 31:15.The tables were however, turned around in the second half of play with the Tunisia's pushing the Nigerian team with speed and superb precision at the basket while their opponent seems to have lost interest in game. Led byAmine Rzig, the North Africans won the third quarter 16:14 and the fourth quarter 25-15. But their efforts could only ensure they finish four points short of the white-claded Nigerians.

With this win, D’Tigers have become the first basketball team in Nigeria’s sporting history to win a match at the Olympics.

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