Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Some weeks ago, Fuji Singer Obesere endorsed star Pasuma as the new King of Tungba,at a show by LTV which took place at "NikaBokaNite. Firstly he acknowledged himself as the current chairman of Fuji Musicians Association Of Nigeria(FUMAN) and wished to state that he has the right to bestow Pasuma with a new title. He said to the audiencePLEASE CLICK THE READ MORE TO CONTINUE

''From this moment Pasuma should be addressed as the King of Tungba Music and no longer Otunba as he used  to be known. Pasuma has attained the level where he should be identifed as a King and not second in command to the king of Fuji music''

Pasuma who was present at the show did not say much but left quietly. This has made many people to believe that he accepted the new title. Since the event, there has been a lot of controversy with people speculating that pasuma teamed up with Obsere to fight his mentor K1 De Ultimate. Obesere requested for few minutes to make an important announcement.

Pasumahas now declined the position claiming his loyalty to the King of fuji, K1 De ultimate and has chosen to remain Otunba of Fuji, he said
''it's funny how people quickly judge things. There is nothing like any crowning ceremony  and i havent accepted any position as the King of Tungba. I still remain the Otunba of Fuji  and Otunba of K1 de Ultimate(Arambambi2). That i left the venue quietly was  for a reason and not because i accepted the offer. K1 is the king of Fuji and I'm 100% loyal to him and have no desire to become the King. My video will soon be released and it is titled Otunba, details of the message i want to pass across will be in the CD

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