Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pretty Dirty #2 (2012 DVD) 1.4GB

Category: All Sex, HD - Shot In High Def, Legal Teen
Director: Eddie Powell
Starring: Remy LaCroix, Xander Corvus, Elaina Raye, Britney Young, Evilyn Fierce, Danny Mountain, Bruce Venture, Mimi Rayne, Morgan Brooke, Tyler Nixon


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Is the Cold War Between Nadia and Jackie Still On?

As some of you know, last Saturday, July 21 2012. was the official launch of queens magazine in Accra and both Jackie and Nadia were there. According to CityPeople magazine, though the hall of the event was very small, the two ladies never said a word to each other, neither did their managers say hello to each other. Even when actor Majidhad to say hello to them, he did it in turns

Even after the event, the celebrities (like they always do) exchanged pleasantries with one another before leaving the venue, but again, that wasn’t the case for Jackie and Nadia.

It must have been an awkward situation, and we all thought the feud was long over.
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Some weeks ago, Fuji Singer Obesere endorsed star Pasuma as the new King of Tungba,at a show by LTV which took place at "NikaBokaNite. Firstly he acknowledged himself as the current chairman of Fuji Musicians Association Of Nigeria(FUMAN) and wished to state that he has the right to bestow Pasuma with a new title. He said to the audiencePLEASE CLICK THE READ MORE TO CONTINUE

''From this moment Pasuma should be addressed as the King of Tungba Music and no longer Otunba as he used  to be known. Pasuma has attained the level where he should be identifed as a King and not second in command to the king of Fuji music''

Pasuma who was present at the show did not say much but left quietly. This has made many people to believe that he accepted the new title. Since the event, there has been a lot of controversy with people speculating that pasuma teamed up with Obsere to fight his mentor K1 De Ultimate. Obesere requested for few minutes to make an important announcement.

Pasumahas now declined the position claiming his loyalty to the King of fuji, K1 De ultimate and has chosen to remain Otunba of Fuji, he said
''it's funny how people quickly judge things. There is nothing like any crowning ceremony  and i havent accepted any position as the King of Tungba. I still remain the Otunba of Fuji  and Otunba of K1 de Ultimate(Arambambi2). That i left the venue quietly was  for a reason and not because i accepted the offer. K1 is the king of Fuji and I'm 100% loyal to him and have no desire to become the King. My video will soon be released and it is titled Otunba, details of the message i want to pass across will be in the CD

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Julius Agwu Features Ghana Star Efa in New Single

Comedy is not the only thing Julius Agwu has been doing as of late. He’s also delved into music over the past couple of years and he’s not trying to stop either.

He drops a new single with Ghanaian RnB diva, Efa titled Sexy Lady.

In when he’s serious Julius Agwu is still hilarious. According to him, ''Music is something he wishes to continue doing and with what he has in stock right now, he is about to give Nigeria what they never expected  

Check on it.

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Hello Dear SPD readers, I hope you found the last post in this section helpful? how is your day going so far?. Lets get down to business as usual. We be looking at Masturbation : What is the big deal, anyway?
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Unfortunately, many of us were taught either by religion or parents fraught with dread over us discovering sex, that masturbation is dirty and wrong.

Seriously, i wonder why there is such a big hoohaa about masturbation, wanking, self-love or whatever you choose to call it!

People of all ages masturbate. Guys masturbate, and girls do it, too. Single people and people in relationships do it. Some people masturbate a few times a day, some do it a few times a year, and some don’t do it at all.

Yet, so many people worry about doing it! That's because there are a lot of myths out there that masturbation is dirty, dangerous, or something to be embarrassed about doing. But the bottom line for me is, masturbation is a safe and healthy way to have sex, and as far as I am concerned, it's here to stay. 

Check out these facts:
· Masturbation releases stress and physical tension. Many people masturbate to relax, and it can help some people fall asleep.

· Orgasms — whether they're from masturbation or sex with a partner — can act as a natural painkiller. Some women masturbate to relieve menstrual cramps. Research has also shown that orgasms may even prevent endometriosis, a disease of the uterine lining.

The myth is that masturbation ruins how other kinds of sex feel. This is not true. The truth is that masturbation can help other kinds of sex feel better, not worse. It’s about discovering what kinds of touching and sensations work for you, and it's a way to learn to have orgasms. Most people who reach orgasm with a partner have also experienced an orgasm from masturbation.


I am so tired of people always asking me if I think masturbation is good or bad. I have very little patience with such people because a lot of them just want a kind of justification for their actions or someone to hang their decisions on. If your religious teachers and parents told you masturbation is not good for you, you should be man or woman enough to decide what you want to believe or what you want to do.

In other words, if you want to masturbate, you don’t need anybody to tell you if it’s ok or not!
If you feel it’s not OK, and you can’t stand the guilt, then DON’T! if you decide to, then stop looking for validation! Simple! Right?
Check back to see what other SPD readers think .. Stay Tuned!!!
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On August 21, 2008, Nelson Evora, the Cape Verdan-Portuguese Athlete edged out Phillips Idowu of Great Britain and Leevan Sands of the Bahamas to take an Olympic gold medal with a 17.67 metres jump. He is the current triple jump olympic and former world champion

Watch Out for  HIS ROYAL HOTNESS..lol
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150,000 condoms was handed out at the London 2012 Summer Olympics as Sex and Condoms Fire Up Athletes At The London Olympics

A record 150,000 free condoms are on offer to sex-mad athletes at the London Olympics. The figure is 50% more than the 100,000 handed out at the Beijing Games in 2008.

It works out at 15 each for the 10,500 competitors in the Olympic Village – with supplier Durex set to deliver tens of thousands more if insatiable stars exhaust their ration

Here’s what US Gold Medal Swimmer Ryan Lochte had to say just before leaving for the games
“My last Olympics, I had a girlfriend, big mistake. Now I’m single, so London should be really good. I’m excited.”
US Gold Medal Swimmer Ryan Lochte
According to ESPN’s Body Issue:
The Olympic Village is basically one giant sex-fest. US women’s soccer player Hope Solo was especially vocal on the issue, claiming she slept with a celebrity (that she wouldn’t name) and that people are having sex right out in the open “On the grass, between buildings. People are getting down and dirty.”
At the 2000 Sydney Olympics 70,000 free condoms available, and that was not enough, an additional 20,000 condoms had to be brought in to meet demand. Since then 100,000 condoms have been made available but it was upped to 150,000 this year because…well it’s London LOL!

To give you an idea of how crazy things get at the Olympics check out these Crazy Anecdotes From ESPN’s Story On Sex At The Olympic Village:

At the 2000 Sydney Games, US javelin competitor Breaux Greer had sex with three women every day for 2 weeks.
US soccer player Hope Solo snuck a celebrity into her room after winning gold at the 2008 Beiging Games, but won’t say who (rumour has it that it’s Vince Vaughn)
At the 1994 Winter Olympic games, Skier Carrie Sheinberg said two German bobsledders tried to trade her their gold medals for “some group fun”
At the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver six athletes from Germany, Canada, and Austria were involved in an orgy in a whirlpool at a house outside the Village.
So now you see why that many condoms are needed! Sodom & Gomorrah ain’t got nothing on the Olympic Village!
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One of the most anticipated concerts of this year, the Empire Mates Entertainment (EME) concert, featuring WIZZY, SKALES, BANKY W AND ROTIMI,  was held in NewYork. The Concert which was suppose to start by 10 pm, kicked off around 1 am.

The EME Baddest Boys and Boss Performed, Rocked and Thrilled the entire fans that night especially the ladies 


Image courtesy - Adewest Media
City - NewYork
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PHOTO: Pinging Madness

Would it be an overstatement if I said that Blackberry madness is spreading faster than Gonorrhoea these days? Blackberry Bold, Black berry curve, RIM (Blackberry Manufacturers) seems to have developed those annoying little toys that we can’t seem to live without.

I mean, what ever happened to confidently meeting people in public. Remember the way it used to feel when you go and chat up a girl? . . .In Nigeria, boys used to call it TOASTING. Whatever happened to that eh? Now it’s all about Blackberry pin, Facebook chat, and SEXTING!!!!!

What happened to good old fashion let’s talk over the phone, or  let’s go out and meet guys.

From the look of things now, this pinging madness is here to stay for REAL.
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"I can act nude. I am available to act nude" says 25year old actress, Susan Ekwe.

As some of you already know, Susan Ekwe is the daughter of Nollywood actor, IgnisEkwe. The LASU graduate started acting in 2007/2008 and has gradually created a weird and daring image for herself. Last month she released semi-nude photos of herself which you can find HERE, and in a recent interview she made it clear that;
I am weird and very daring, so yes, I can act nude. I am available to act nude. If I can go topless, what will stop me from acting nude? There is no big deal there because I feel that it is all about being professional.
She also answered the question on the lips of many when asked how she affords anexpensive lifestyle
My politician boyfriend of course. I met him in Abuja and I don't want to talk about him please.
Susan Ekwe is the 25 year old daughter of veteran Nollywood actor Ignis Ekwe, she graduated from Lagos State University.

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Jude Okoye of Psquare Donate N1m To Brain Tumour Patient

Jude 'Engees' Okoye, the elder brother of Paul and Peter Okoye (psquare) contacted Ibezim family to know if their son Ibezim Jude Osemeka a brain tumor patient, needed 3.7 million for surgery in India and as soon as he confirmed Ibezim Jude Osemeke needed help, the prolific music director did not waste much time, he made a N1 million donation to aid the family

Jude Okoye who recently lost his mum, with such heavy heart still find it fit to make a large generous donation. We need more people like Jude Okoye to aid  the Ibezim Family..

Here is the account number and family phone numbers to call if you want to help.
Name: Ibe Jude Osemeke 
Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank 
Acct No: 0008669433.
1. Mr Azuka Osemeke : 08023138956,
2. Mrs Theresa Osemeke :08034936943
3. Mr Ibezim Osemeke : 07069766770
4. Mrs Phillipa Uchechukwu Edo ( nee Osemeke) 08033953178

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Touched by An Angel (2012 DVD) 1.16GB

duration: 124 minutes
Release Date: 07/30/2012
studio: Paradise Film
cast: Katrin, Eliza, Steffi, Gabrielle, Olivia, Angela, Kasia


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