Hello Dear SPD readers, I hope you found the last post in this section helpful? how is your day going so far?. Lets get down to business as usual. We be looking at Masturbation : What is the big deal, anyway?
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Unfortunately, many of us were taught either by religion or parents fraught with dread over us discovering sex, that masturbation is dirty and wrong.
Seriously, i wonder why there is such a big hoohaa about masturbation, wanking, self-love or whatever you choose to call it!
People of all ages masturbate. Guys masturbate, and girls do it, too. Single people and people in relationships do it. Some people masturbate a few times a day, some do it a few times a year, and some don’t do it at all.
Yet, so many people worry about doing it! That's because there are a lot of myths out there that masturbation is dirty, dangerous, or something to be embarrassed about doing. But the bottom line for me is, masturbation is a safe and healthy way to have sex, and as far as I am concerned, it's here to stay.

Check out these facts:
· Masturbation releases stress and physical tension. Many people masturbate to relax, and it can help some people fall asleep.
· Orgasms — whether they're from masturbation or sex with a partner — can act as a natural painkiller. Some women masturbate to relieve menstrual cramps. Research has also shown that orgasms may even prevent endometriosis, a disease of the uterine lining.
The myth is that masturbation ruins how other kinds of sex feel. This is not true. The truth is that masturbation can help other kinds of sex feel better, not worse. It’s about discovering what kinds of touching and sensations work for you, and it's a way to learn to have orgasms. Most people who reach orgasm with a partner have also experienced an orgasm from masturbation.

I am so tired of people always asking me if I think masturbation is good or bad. I have very little patience with such people because a lot of them just want a kind of justification for their actions or someone to hang their decisions on. If your religious teachers and parents told you masturbation is not good for you, you should be man or woman enough to decide what you want to believe or what you want to do.
In other words, if you want to masturbate, you don’t need anybody to tell you if it’s ok or not!
If you feel it’s not OK, and you can’t stand the guilt, then DON’T! if you decide to, then stop looking for validation! Simple! Right?
Check back to see what other SPD readers think .. Stay Tuned!!!