The Ojukwu Memorial celebrations, in Atlanta GA, Jan 28th 2012, is a remarkable story of the coming together of the entire Igbo Communities in Georgia and beyond to pay tribute to an illustrious Igbo son, a courageous young man who was in his early thirties at the start of the Biafra war, but in his wisdom atfirst did everything possible to avoid war by negotiating with Nigerian authori-ties in Aburi Ghana to harsh out acceptable and fair system of governance for all citizens and regions of Nigeria following the 1966, and 1967-70 genocide against Ndigbo. After an agreement was reached, the Nigerian side failed to live up to the agreement which they signed in Aburi Ghana.
The emergence of the Republic of Biafra in May 1967 was simply inevitable as the Biafrans killed in large numbers in many parts of Nigeria sought to pursue independence from a country where their safety could not be guaranteed by the central federal government.
The passing of General Ojukwu the former Biafran head of state brought back in magnified fashion, memories of the struggle for Biafran Independence. As Igbos and other Nigerians gather at the Igbo Community Building in Mableton Georgia, one thing became certain that the Ojukwu Memorial activities would exert an extraordinary uniting force on all the Igbo Communities in Georgia.
The Ikemba and Eze Igbo Gburugburu was indeed a uniting force for Ndigbo while he was alive, unfolding events since his death have also illustrated that Ikemba’s name would continue to exert gravitational uniting force on Ndigbo even after his death. For the Igbos in Georgia, Jan 28th 2012, would go down in history as the day in which all our people rallied in brotherhood and sisterhood to give honor to one whom honor is due.
This story would be told in two parts.
Part one would comprise of the preparations of the Ojukwu Memorial and cover the highly educative and informative Symposium and the Requiem Mass. Part two would cover the Wake Ceremonies including the emotional final sa-lute to General Ojukwu by over 80 veteran members of the Biafran Army and Nurses who were treated as VIPs with reserved section.
The Biafran Army and Nurses drew large and sustained applause and standing ovation by the largest capacity crowd to be assembled yet in Igbo Community Building. But this story is for part two of this report.
The success of the Ojukwu Memorial event in Atlanta is one more evidence and testimony that given the leadership, any group of people can come together and unite for a given cause. The Igbo Union Leadership in Atlanta under President Victor Anyanwu and Vice president Ada Ngoddy, Ojukwu Memorial PRO, Michael Odiakosa and the other Executives of Igbo Union Atlanta rallied and brought together all the Igbo Communities in Atlanta Georgia to join hands and work to give our departed son and father Ikemba a hero’s farewell.On Friday morning, the day before the event I went to the Igbo Community Building to deliver some items and Sir Victor Anyanwu, Mrs Nk Oranika (AKA Holiwood) a representative for Otu Umunne Association and Mazi Charles Okabalam were already there as preparations for the day was already in progress.
Sir Victor Anyanwu was ob-viously directing the preparation activities, and later in the day Michael Odiakosa the Ojukwu Memorial PRO also arrived to give a lending hand.
The Stage was being constructed in line with suggestions from Videographer Obi Okezie, while Charles Okabalam was busy moving and arranging things. Mexican Amigo friends were busy re-painting the inside of the hall with immaculate white paint as part of the Igbo Union tribute in honor of Ikemba. On Saturday morning preparations again began in earnest.
Mrs. Oranika arrived at the hall at 6am, and worked for about 6 hours in the Building alone until about noon when she was joined by Attorney C.T Nwosu along with two other volunteers. By mid afternoon all preparations were winding down. When I arrived at the hall at about 3 pm I found an incredible finished and beautifully decorated stage thanks to Nk. Oranika, the stage wasadorably draped in coordinated Biafran colors of black, red and green, inside the elevated stage were twobeautifully enlarged and decorated photos of Ikemba Ojukwu in full Biafran Army General’s regalia taking a salute.
The photos were provided by the Umu Ada Igbo Organization Atlanta Georgia. On the right side of the stage were two flags, the American flag, and the Nigerian flag laid out side by side. On the left side of the stage were more photos of Ojukwu and a huge Biafran flag which was sewn together the previous night by Mrs Oranika with help from Paul Oranika Jr who designed the Biafra sun inserted into the Biafra flag.
The music stage and all the electronic equipment were all assembled on the opposite side of the stage.
At the kitchen area, Vice President of Igbo Union Atlanta Mrs Ada Ngoddy was in control of volunteers who were ready to serve, including Ms Chioma Ogueri Executive Director Miss Igbo USA, Mrs. Grace Clark, Mrs. Rita Udechukwu, Mrs Rita Orji, Mrs Ugo Anikpe, Mrs Dorathy Orizu, and Okabalam children.
These army of volunteers served everybody at the Ojukwu Symposium which commenced at about4.15 Pm. The Chairman of the Planning Committee, Nze Joe Eto, the Co Chair of the planning committee Attorney Charles Onyirimba, the Chairmanof the Symposium Committee Prof. Martin Okafor, and other committee members including Attorney Mike Okeke and Mazi Paul Okechukwu Oranika were all ready.
Chairman Joe Eto called things to order with a brief remark and then handed over to Prof. Martin Okafor and Attorney Charles Onyirimba who were the moderators for the event, the Panelists were introduced to their positions.Soon the presentation took center stage. Here are the abstracts of what topics and titles were presented at the Symposium; the full papers would be published at a later date.
The first panelist Dr. Mike Okeke was called up to make his presentation entitled “Ojukwu the Man”.
His presentation focused on personalaspects of Ojukwu’s life. Dr. Okeke narrated in great detail Gen Ojukwu’s genealogy,his education, career in civil service and his entry into the Nigerian Army, and emergence as the champion of Igbo cause.Next Panelist Reverend Chima Ekeke PHD, presented a paper titled “Moses, Ojukwu and the Quest for a Joshua “in which the author narrated the life, leadership and legacy of General Ojukwu from a religious perspective.
Dr. Obiagbosogu Ignatius Ebbe was called up for his presentation entitled “General Odumegwu Ojukwu, Footprints on the Sands of Times on Nigerian Politics and Igbo Political Culture”.
The author went on to describe the human nature of General Ojukwu through his Biafran experiences, and discussed Ojukwu’s achievements and failures along with his great sacrifices to the Igbo nation.
Innocent Ukabam PHD was called up to render his presentation entitled “Stand for something or Fall for Anything”.
The author among many things, discussed the fact that Ojukwu stood for Equality and Justice, and as a Biafran leader was a very courageous leader regardless of all the odds, and that the people of Biafrabelieved in him, even in death the author maintains that Ojukwu still evokes unparalleled passion, love, loyalty and controversy.
Dame Unuaku Ekwegbalu Esq, delivered an interesting account of the war, titled “Triumph over Adversity” Mrs Ekwegbalu sp
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