Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Introducing BlackBerry Porsche P'9981

In Nigeria the craze for BlackBerry Mobile phones has been going on for a while now, as people assess your worth with the kind of blackberry you use. The brand owners RIM (Research In Motion) continue to launch new models, the Bold 5 was the last model, but not the latest, BlackBerry Porsche P'9981 is the latest.

The new wonder phone is collaboration between Porsche Designs & Research In Motion (RIM) the owners of the Blackberry brand. Just checkout the P'9981's package- Stainless Steel body, hand-wrapped leather back cover, sculpted QWERTY, crystal clear touch display, Exclusive PINS, exclusive Porsche Design UI & a bespoke Wikitude world browser, 1.2 GHz processor, HD Video recording, 24-bit high resolution Graphics, 8 GB-on board memory that is expandable to 40 GB with micro SD card & it operates on Blackberry 7 OS and costs $2,350*:o*

The launch of the new phone would  bring about competition as to who uses it first and who starves themselves to use it, it's also a good time to launch it as valentine is just around the corner and it might just be the perfect Valentine gift for your partner.(Guys are in trouble!!!)

The P'9981 isn't going to change the world. It won't fight hunger or cure diseases. Yet to the general population, that's exactly what it's expected to do for a whopping $2,350 sticker price. The first Porsche Design smart phone will be a screaming deal to anyone who has way too much money to burn and just happens to crave a "fashionable" BlackBerry. For the rest of us, we see this for what it truly is: a BlackBerry Porsche is just a fancy accessory that costs way too much.

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