Saturday, August 20, 2011

Nigeria Accent Ranked 5th 'Sexiest' In The World According To CNNgo

CNNgo compiled a list of the world's 12 sexiest accents, and in it the Nigerian accent ranked No. 5. In their words, 
Famous tongues: King Sunny Adé, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde
Dignified, with just a hint of willful naiveté, the deep, rich “oh’s” and “eh’s” of Naija bend the English language without breaking it, arousing tremors in places other languages can’t reach. Kinda makes the occasional phone scam worth the swindle.
Sounds like: The THX intro with teeth 
Some Nigerians are actually worth giving your bank account information to
Wonder why they had to mention scam, smh ... Anyway, listen to the accent that put us at the top of the list

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