Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Goldie: "I haven't had sex this year ... that's why I'm loosing weight"

In an interview with City People, Goldie admitted that she hasn't had sex at all this year, I think with such admission from a very sexy diva, you all will all agree with me that this is an invitation for all the sexy guys to send in an application lol...
Read the Excerpts below

Are you thinking of marriage at all?
Goldie: "I'm thinking of when I will get billions in the bank. There's more to life than just being Mrs Somebody"
So what happens when you get pregnant?
Goldie: "Is it not when you have sex that you'll get pregnant? How do you want to get pregnant when you don't have sex?"
Hmmm. So how long have you not had sex?
Goldie: "Are you my doctor? But bros, if I'm going to be honest with you, this year, at all all. Maybe that's why I'm loosing weight (laughs) no vitamins."

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