Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chioma Toplis: Feud with Oge Okoye goes on + Brand new pictures

Since late last year, the feud between London based actress Chioma Toplis and Oge OKoye has been reported severally, well it seems they are yet to find peace as Chioma wrote on Facebook last week,
the June 20th of June to be precise...
 “Please any one that knows actress Oge Okoye should tell her to free me o, as i am very very busy with my business which is why i am in Nigeria and do not and will never have time for her idle gosips and side talks. While you do please tell her also to concentrate in taking care of her children as i am doing too, and stop wasting her time discussing me as i am not the cause of her failed marriage". 
Not long after she wrote again, “While Oge Okoye is biting the fingers that fed her, she should also remember that those fingers could still choke her, especially MINE”, guess their problem won't be ending anytime soon. Anyway check out her new set of pictures, click READ MORE to see all.

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